
waiting . . .

 . . . waiting, w a i t i n g   . . .

 I'm now up to day five of waiting for delivery of our new dining table.
It's been to Melbourne twice, Sydney twice, and the legs have made it to Gosford.
I've been assured it's going to be delivered TODAY. As promised yesterday. 
And the days before that too...

Here are some more rustic tables / contemporary settings from Pinterest to look at because I can't post pictures of mine. Yet.


 Ha! I've just been called advising that it's being delivered by one person and can I help unload?
That's why I paid an exorbitant delivery fee.
You've gotta laugh, or you'd 'go mad and shoot a dog'!

Fido. FIDO! ... Fido?

x KL

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  1. How frustrating for you, I hope it's worth the wait. xT

    1. So do I Toni. So do I. The between 11 am and 1pm delivery window has passed with yet another no show. The supply company are lovely but the couriers / delivery company?
      They've lost 'the legs' now....


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