
How recovery + lillies leads to Hermes! Strange...but true!

I love oriental lillies. Aren't these spectacular?

I'm home from hospital, all went well and I am on the mend thank goodness! I'm sleeping lots and basically resting.  I checked into my Blog today and am so very much humbled by the many good wishes for my recovery that were sent my way. Thank you all, so very much, for your kind thoughts!

I'm surrounded by chocolates that I can't eat (the children are very helpful assisting here), and lillies in pure white, pink (pictured) and the brightest of orange! Hubby is learning how to operate the washing machine and the older girls are keeping me supplied with magazines and cups of tea. 
Now here's the thing. The orange lillies are very 'Hermes'  like in hue. This prompted me to scoot over and check out their web.(As you do when bored in bed!) and... O.M.G. I'm in serious trouble!!! Check this blankey out!!!

I think it may be a lucky thing I'm house bound and anxious about all the 'gap' payments soon to inundate my letterbox! But it's a thing of beauty isn't it!!!!! Now I need to rearrange that wish list again! LOL!
x KL


  1. Glad to hear you are doing well KL :))))

    That Hermes blanket looks stunning!


  2. You totally deserved the blanket...it's a must for recuperation. Thank you for visiting our blog - we are thrilled to find and follow yours!!


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