
Gotta love the $2 shop!

Taking a nine year old boy shopping with two big sisters is a recipe for disaster.
Thank God for the advent of the $2 shop for patient behaviour bribery!
 "straw- glasses"! Who'd of thought?

  x KL

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  1. What!?!?!?!?!

    That's hillarious!!!!

    I want a pair :)


  2. love you mum from J:-)face

  3. Must have a handsome dad!

  4. I totally agree about the $2 shop (being there done that), it's brilliant!
    I'm so glad I have found your blog, I'm your latest follower :)
    Thanks again for your lovely comments on my blog xo

  5. Ha Ha Ha! The family have 'discovered' me!!!
    B; I'll buy you a pair for Christmas....in leui of the solid gold bangle eh? Welcome Claudia Lane! I get so excited when I find I've got a new follower! Thank you for the honour and I'm looking forward to following you too!
    x KL


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