
I'm dreaming of a white christmas....

Just dreaming....

What do you dream of?

x KL

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  1. I dream of enjoying a drink with my husband on the verandah of our completely renovated house, without a thing to do in the world...

  2. Hello Kerrie-Lee:
    Your 'dreams' here do have the look of things which are very, very pretty and desirable and, most likely, come with a somewhat expensive price tag. But then what are dreams for?!!

  3. I'm dreaming of a rich husband!

  4. i was thinking, yes, yes, all beautiful, till I got to the pink diamond and went YES< YES!!

    i like Mel's idea of dreaming of the rich husband to buy all these lovely things as gifts. Would be ever so nice to find any of them on Christmas morning. Virginia xx

  5. Thank you all for your comments. I love dreaming..... it is just escapism isn't it? I'm not expecting any of these under the xmas tree but love fantasy shopping both realistically and irrationally! I dare to dream; therefor I am?
    LOL KL

  6. I love the flower ring in the first photo, it is beautiful!

  7. Yes April... it's my fav too. It's by Van Cleef and Arpels. Very swoon worthy!
    x KL


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